How to Add Real Facebook Ads Step by Step Process into Flutter App | Facebook Audience Network

Banner AdNative Banner AdNative Ad
Banner AdNative Banner AdNative Ad
Interstitial AdRewarded Video Ad
Interstitial AdRewarded Ad

Getting Started 

1. Initialization: 

For testing purposes you need to obtain the hashed ID of your testing device. To obtain the hashed ID:

  1. Call FacebookAudienceNetwork.init() during app initialization.
  2. Place the FacebookBannerAd widget in your app.
  3. Run the app.

The hased id will be in printed to the logcat. Paste that onto the testingId parameter.

  testingId: "37b1da9d-b48c-4103-a393-2e095e734bd6", //optional
  iOSAdvertiserTrackingEnabled: true //default false
IOS Setup

In Pod file, set the IOS deployment target version to 9.0

IN iOS, Banner, Interstital and Native Ads are supported

2. Show Banner Ad: 

  alignment: Alignment(0.5, 1),
  child: FacebookBannerAd(
    placementId: Platform.isAndroid ? "YOUR_ANDROID_PLACEMENT_ID" : "YOUR_IOS_PLACEMENT_ID",
    bannerSize: BannerSize.STANDARD,
    listener: (result, value) {
      switch (result) {
        case BannerAdResult.ERROR:
          print("Error: $value");
        case BannerAdResult.LOADED:
          print("Loaded: $value");
        case BannerAdResult.CLICKED:
          print("Clicked: $value");
        case BannerAdResult.LOGGING_IMPRESSION:
          print("Logging Impression: $value");

3. Show Interstitial Ad: 

  placementId: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID",
  listener: (result, value) {
    if (result == InterstitialAdResult.LOADED)
      FacebookInterstitialAd.showInterstitialAd(delay: 5000);

4. Show Rewarded Video Ad: 

(Android Only)

  placementId: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID",
  listener: (result, value) {
    if(result == RewardedVideoResult.LOADED)
    if(result == RewardedVideoResult.VIDEO_COMPLETE)
      print("Video completed");

5. Show Native Ad: 

  • NativeAdType NATIVE_AD_HORIZONTAL & NATIVE_AD_VERTICAL ad types are supported only in iOS. In Android use NATIVE_AD.
  placementId: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID",
  adType: NativeAdType.NATIVE_AD,
  width: double.infinity,
  height: 300,
  titleColor: Colors.white,
  descriptionColor: Colors.white,
  buttonColor: Colors.deepPurple,
  buttonTitleColor: Colors.white,
  buttonBorderColor: Colors.white,
  keepAlive: true, //set true if you do not want adview to refresh on widget rebuild
  keepExpandedWhileLoading: false, // set false if you want to collapse the native ad view when the ad is loading 
  expandAnimationDuraion: 300, //in milliseconds. Expands the adview with animation when ad is loaded
  listener: (result, value) {
    print("Native Ad: $result --> $value");

6. Show Native Banner Ad: 

Use NativeBannerAdSize to choose the height for Native banner ads. height property is ignored for native banner ads.

  placementId: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID",
  adType: NativeAdType.NATIVE_BANNER_AD,
  bannerAdSize: NativeBannerAdSize.HEIGHT_100,
  width: double.infinity,
  titleColor: Colors.white,
  descriptionColor: Colors.white,
  buttonColor: Colors.deepPurple,
  buttonTitleColor: Colors.white,
  buttonBorderColor: Colors.white,
  listener: (result, value) {
    print("Native Ad: $result --> $value");