Flutter — Highlight any area in Google Maps

Initial Setup

It’s time to get started! Here’s a simple screen with a google map widget that sets the initialCameraPosition and a marker.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';

class GoogleMapScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const GoogleMapScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
  State<GoogleMapScreen> createState() => _GoogleMapScreenState();
class _GoogleMapScreenState extends State<GoogleMapScreen> {
  final Completer<GoogleMapController> _controller = Completer();
  LatLng intialLocation = const LatLng(22.3039, 70.8022);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Column(
        children: [
            child: GoogleMap(
              initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
                target: intialLocation,
                zoom: 15.6746,
              onMapCreated: (controller) {
              markers: {
                  markerId: const MarkerId("1"),
                  position: intialLocation,

Add a Circle

The first question is how to add a circle to our map. Replace ToDo: Add Circle with below code ????

circles: {
    circleId: CircleId("1"),
    center: intialLocation,
    radius: 420,
    strokeWidth: 2,
    fillColor: Color(0xFF006491).withOpacity(0.2),

The circle’s placement is determined by the centre. To position the marker at the centre of the circle, I’m using initialLocation. Use a bigger value if the map is not zoomed in; otherwise, the radius value of 430 is appropriate. I adjusted strokeWidth to 2 to prevent a large border from encircling the circle.

Highlight a specific area

Sometimes all you need to do is indicate a certain place; drawing a circle is not always essential. We use Google Maps Polygons to make this happen. Replace is necessary //ToDo: Use the code below to add a polygon.

                polygonId: const PolygonId("1"),
                  fillColor: const Color(0xFF006491).withOpacity(0.1),
                  strokeWidth: 2,
                  points: const [
                    LatLng(22.3039, 70.8000),
                    LatLng(22.3029, 70.8022),
                    LatLng(22.3069, 70.8032),
                    LatLng(22.3069, 70.8032),
                    LatLng(22.3049, 70.8022),